My Cross in a Heart

With lent starting on February 14th, also known as Valentines Day, it got me thinking about the theme of hearts.  How could I use this in relation to my faith?

I began my search for a pattern with a cross at the centre of a heart, my search was unsuccessful. I began to think about the heart of Jesus and how we give our hearts gladly to him and how much we endure in carrying our own crosses because of our love for him. With this in mind, I came up with (after several attempts!) my design for "My Cross in a Heart" which I could use as an applique and turn it into a bookmark to gift to people during lent, whilst walking with Jesus through the season of Lent.

Love is the only gift that helps us through our life's trails and tribulations. I hope you enjoy this pattern and if you choose to use for yourself or gift to another I hope it brings you much Love.

I have amended the original pattern and turned it into a granny square for making blankets or throws etc. 

Both patterns are available to download, for free from my Ravelry store


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